The Pros & Cons of Technology

Similar to everything else, technology in its many forms carries a few pros and cons that need to be acknowledged and understood, in order to get a full and positive effect of the great access and the device.

The pros and cons of technology can vary, depending on whom it is being used by, and in what context or environment. The main focus of technology users in this segment will be about children, parents, caregivers, and teachers.

I recently worked with a group of fellow Registered Early Childhood Educators, who have experience with children, parents, teachers, other Educators, and caregivers, along with the use of technology with such populations and in a variety of early years and personal settings.

Based on our experiences and observations, and personal views, we created a list of five words that we thought best described the pros and cons of technology. Along with this, we created some recommendations and modifications to support a positive change for the presented cons.

Pros of Technology                                                                Cons of Technology

Enhancement                                                                               Addiction/Isolation

Integration                                                                                    Stressor


Below are the reasoning behind the choice of these words, along with some recommendations and modifications for the cons.


Technology can be used to support and motivate children with a diverse need, such as Autism, or who have a difficult time speaking or being understood. It can be used with their peers, caregivers, therapists, and parents. Using Applications on an Ipads or Tablets, provide children with the opportunity, to express themselves, therefore, decreasing frustration, and miscommunication.

A great example of this is the Proloquo2Go Application, as its main focus is; “ A voice for those who cannot speak”.

Applications such as this, is a stepping-stone for children, as I have personally seen it support a child at a placement site. After being prompted with the Application, the child was able to make requests on his own, and would refer to the Ipad a few times for guidance.


Based on an article I read; Touch Table Surprises, Teachers and Educators can integrate and implement a very rapid and important tool that will be greatly a part of the children’s lives in a positive productive way. It can teach children ways of using the device in a variety of settings and situations, and with the help of the Teachers, Educators, and the environment, support positive usage. Introducing technology this way, will provide a appropriate example of using technology, along with still provide the children learning opportunities such problem solving, cognitive skills, and language skills, as they would experience if not using a device in their play.

It brings on different experiences and different ways of working through a common challenge and get to the goal.


From reading the article Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants, I came to realize that some teachers and professors face challenges every day in each lecture when catering to the students by using technology. In my opinion, while professors experience this frustration, it becomes a barrier and stressor for them, therefore, they loose their main focus, rather than being the professor they want while incorporate their own personal and effective teaching styles.

I feel a good way to modify this challenge, would be to provide workshops or seminars with the information needed in order to use the technological resources that is expected to be used in their classes. This will save class time, support the professor/teacher, and engage the students.


At times technology is used in ways to create convenience and happiness, however, in a negative way. I have personally seen it in many environments such as work, placement, and in daily activities. It is done by all ages, and I feel it is done without even noticing as it has become such a habit.

For example, while at a restaurant: From my upbringing and experiences with my family, it has always been known, when we are doing things together as a family such as having dinner, there are NO electronics at the table. One night I was out with my family, and I notice a family with young children, were all on their devices. The parents were on Facebook, and their children were playing games and watching movies on their Ipads. I found this to be disgusting and mind blowing to what our society has become. This creates additions and isolations that will be difficult to change if it continues to occur.

Some personal words of advice for families such as this; Speak with one another, and enjoy the time you get together, it is truly precious.

Technology can bring many opportunities, experiences, and possibilities to our lives, and it is important to consider which way we will allow technology to do so.

I leave you with a video that truly impacted my view on technology and how I choose to use it.

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